Our Services
From 90-minute introductory trainings to five-year in-depth research projects, The Montana Institute can help you envision and enact custom solutions that transform community health. We take a spirit first approach to everything we do, centering your goals, organizational culture, and the positive that already exists in the communities in which you work. Get in touch to find out how we can support your work.
Our clients include school districts and state universities, community coalitions and Federal agencies, and everything in between. They work with youth, parents, and adults, on issues ranging from substance use, suicide prevention, traffic safety, violence prevention, child maltreatment and more. We help them apply the Science of the Positive and Positive Community Norms in innovative ways to help them grow protective factors, increase positive norms, and increase health.
Training & Workshops
Enhance health and safety in your community using the Positive Community Norms (PCN) approach, which boosts protective factors, strengthens healthy norms, and transforms community cultures on critical issues such as substance use, traffic safety, child maltreatment, and youth suicide. PCN empowers you to design and execute impactful communication campaigns that alter perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors, leading to genuine community transformation.
“It was truly a worthwhile investment for us to bring a TMI training team to our small, rural community. The training demonstrated a new and eye-opening approach for our community partners. We are confident it will strengthen our regional substance use prevention efforts.”
Enhance your leadership skills with TMI’s Science of the Positive Transformational Leadership Development Workshops. Effective leadership is crucial for project success, and our specialized Transformational Leadership assessments, personalized leadership profiles, and skill development tools are designed to boost your management capabilities and invigorate your entire team.
“I’ve attended many training seminars that provided information on how to run a Coalition. But no others have delved into the spirit and soul of effective, positive leadership.”
Discover how Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) can enhance health for both children and adults and counteract the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Our training delves into the lifelong positive impact of PCEs, includes the latest research on health outcomes from positive experiences across the lifespan, and demonstrates ways PCEs and positive adult experiences can be woven into both Positive Community Norms campaigns and Science of the Positive Transformational Leadership practices. Participants will engage in discussions on how to adapt these strategies to their specific environments.
Empower young leaders to enhance their positive leadership, self-image, communication, teamwork, and upstander behavior, in a dynamic and interactive setting ideal for teens. Our youth trainings delve into the significant impact of perceptions and misperceptions, providing youth with valuable insights that enable them to better understand their own decisions and amplify their positive influence on others.
“You grabbed our youths’ attention with meaningful content, thoughtful activities, and consciousness-awakening questions. What a GREAT day!”
Creating project-specific Core Principles is essential for laying the foundation of a successful intervention. This critical process aligns all team members with a unified perspective and establishes a robust, positive base for leadership, communications, and message development. These principles act as a vital touchstone that enhances trust, promotes accountability to a positive vision, and ensures consistent communication internally and externally.
Leaders frequently engage in their most impactful work through conversations, whether during meetings, in hallways, or while watching a ballgame. It is in these personal interactions that misperceptions and fundamental assumptions can be addressed and transformed. Our interactive "Let's Talk" trainings emphasize how to utilize the Seven Core Principles of the Science of the Positive to adeptly navigate and influence public narratives in both your personal and professional life.
“The training was super practical and hands-on, and provided information and tools to help us put the Seven Core Principles to work in supporting our prevention mission.”
Technical Assistance & Consulting
Our in-depth technical assistance is structured around the award-winning Seven Step Model of Positive Community Norms Communications. Our expert team will help you ensure fidelity to PCN best practices and set your project up for success and sustainability. We can also provide short term consultation to help you move through stuck spots, navigate challenges, and move from busy to effective in your work.
Survey Development & Research
The Montana Institute offers a full range of survey and research development services, project design, survey development, data analysis, evaluation, and sustainability planning. Our team can help you design and implement an impactful, sustainable Positive Community Norms project that conforms to the framework’s fidelity and best practices. We can help you add questions to a current survey or design a new research instrument specifically for your issue or intervention.
Keynotes and Presentations
The Montana Institute team is honored to present at conferences and workshops around the country, designing and sharing presentations and workshops that ignite, inspire, and inform. Each presentation is designed to meet the needs of your specific audience and event. Our team has delivered powerful presentations to packed rooms and rave reviews.
Our team has presented at high-level national conferences, including: